Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chalking the Word

One of the interesting peculiarity's about Cornell is it's fondness for "Chalking". We have been on no other campus that was so excited about sidewalk chalk! It is one of the primary mediums for advertising here on campus. Of course there are e-mails, facebook groups, and bulletin boards, but whenever a group has something big going on, you can be sure to hear about it with chalked out messages on the ground.
Our ministry has utilized this method of info-dissemination in the past, but the week after Easter, the Christian groups on campus mobilized together in a massive effort to colorfully decorate the walkways of the campus with verses of scripture.
Every few nights, groups of students will gather together and go out 'chalking'. I got the chance to go out last with our Tuesday night Bible study.
It has actually begun to generate some dialog on campus. First there is the dialog going on with chalk. A few people have begun to chalk quotes by famous atheists and cynics on the sidewalks in response to the proliferation of verses. But additionally, we have had the chance to talk with students about their reactions and thoughts on the whole endeavor. Most of the personal interactions have been pretty positive -even the one that students Larry and Will had with a couple of people who were scribing an athiest quote on the ground. As they engaged in conversation, the girls simply remarked that they thought the verses were very "Christ centered".

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