That was followed up (perfectly) on Saturday night with an event here on campus we call LIGHT 2010. Cornell alum, and World Missionary Alex Lee came out to challenge the students to surrender everything to our savior Jesus and follow him -wherever that might lead!
He told parts of his own story, and preached from Mark 10 -the story of the Rich Young Ruler as well as the book of Esther (chapter 4) challenging Cornell's rich, young, successful, "rulers" with the realities of a life spent in pursuit of God vs. a life that deny's His call.
The rich young guy in Mark 10 was unwilling to "sell everything", to leave behind his worldly riches and success and life to follow Jesus. As a result "he went away sad" Lee pointed out the fact that not surrendering to the call of God is a sad loss for you personally, and it's also a loss for those around you.
He challenged the students to step out in faith, to seize the opportunity God has for them now, like queen Esther, and not to miss out like the Rich young ruler did.
These are some words from an article that Alex wrote that corresponded to his message:
Let us take Christ's words to heart. The rich young ruler was first in the World's eyes, but what did that mean to Jesus? Did the wealth of the world really make him rich? The twelve ordinary men who left their boats and fathers and businesses behind -they were the rich ones. She was wise who broke her alabaster jar and anointed her Lord extravagantly. Church, break your jars! Leave your boats! If we are not careful, an entire generation of [north] American Christians will pass away silently into spiritual obscurity, impotent in eternal influence and mournfully barren. we will walk away the saddest of them all. Then we will have proved Christ's warning indeed. How greatly Good wants to use us! How Jesus longs to give us life, and life to the full....As God saved a nation through Esther, so he plans to save many more in our day? Through whom? The answer to this question lies with you.
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