Monday, August 7, 2017


Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:9-10
“Hospitalero” is a colloquial term used in Northern Spain to designate those who function as hosts in the “Albergues” or pilgrim hostels along the Camino de Santiago.  Cru actually bought an old Farm House in a little farming community called “Ligonde” and we renovated it into a hostel.   We would host 10-15 pilgrims each night throughout the summer, providing beds and food to the travelers at no cost.   
I love the word “hospitalero” because it basically translates to “hospitality guy” (or girl); it’s a meaning packed synonym for “host”   I like the word a lot because hospitality is such an important component of Christian ministry.  In fact, I think all Christian ministry can ultimately be described as a mission of hospitality.
Hospitality means expending yourself -your energy and your resources, in an effort to welcome, accommodate, serve, bless, and provide for others.  We see in the root, the word hospital, which of course is a place where doctors and nurses labor  to sustain people’s health, and cure them of sickness and disease. To be hospitable means contributing “life” to others!    Being hospitable involves creating life-giving spaces and interacting in life-giving ways.  It means facilitating rest and recreation for others; traditionally strangers or non-Kin.  A hospitable person is one who provides sustenance -food, shelter and even protection for people.  When you think of someone who is hospitable you think of someone who is extremely welcoming and inviting.  Hospitable people are those who reach out and care for you.  Maybe you also think of great parties!  Those who are really hospitable can turn even regular everyday activities into a party because they are so loving and warm and full of joy.   
The good news of the gospel is that God in Christ has expended himself to provide for and bless us with life.  He has opened his home and he welcomes us with love that is free and undeserved.    He laid down his very life so that we could be set free from the tyranny of sin and find rest and joy in him.  God is the original missionary, God is the ultimate “hospitalero”
As part of God’s family, disciples of Jesus Christ are called to join God in his mission of hospitality.  We get to steward God’s grace, enabling others to experience his glorious rest.    Following after Jesus, we have been commanded to love others, serve and expend ourselves joyfully -even  laying down our lives so that others might hear and understand the good news of Christ crucified, buried and risen. Jesus said “Go, and make disciples of all nations”   We get to tell people everywhere about God’s amazing grace and the good life found in him.   

Because it’s Gospel-driven  we call it “GOspitality”