This year, we have over 20 Community Groups in Cru. A few of our groups took the time to take "group pics" when we were out at our Fall Getaway last month. I love these pictures because they are portraits of "how we roll" here in Ithaca.
Often when we are promoting our "CG's" I'll say something like this: "Community Groups are our main course here with Cru. We used to say they were our 'bread and butter' but then we thought; who eats bread and butter as a main course? Maybe we should be more gloriously specific! Now we think of CG's as our 'steak and bacon'! And if you're a vegetarian and that isn't calling your name -let me describe them as our 'kale and quinoa'! Either way, we want you to partake!"
Most of our groups are single gender groups, but we do have a couple of co-ed ones as well.
I actually believe that it is fundamentally impossible for a student to thrive spiritually apart from a small group. Even going to church every Sunday will not be enough for a student. A church service isn't nearly personal enough! People must be united in dynamic fellowship with others who will help them to believe the gospel and walk closely with Christ in order to grow and experience the joy of knowing God.